Our journey from Waihi to Gisborne would be about 380km. It took us through more outstanding scenery, dramatic mountain passes, gorges and wide open pasture land. We stopped a few times for comfort and drink breaks but there was this old pub that used to house sheep herders and loggers back in the 1920's was a highlight. One of our guides, Colin, he reminds you of Yassemiti Sam, with his huge beard had pictures of his grandfather on the wall of the place, he had been a logger.
At Gisborne we had an opportunity to go to visit a Maori Par site ( a fortified Maori hill ). We were privileged to take part in the kappa Hakka ceremony in which I was chosen to speak to them on our behalf. I had to state our intent to them and tell a story of our journey. In reply they performed the Hakka, sang, and carried out a demonstration of Maori martial arts. It was fantastic. We were stood on the same ground that Capt Cook himself had stood when he and his crew from the Endeavour first encountered the Maori people. It has been the highlight of the trip so far and afterwards we were able to meet them and did the nose touching greeting...It was brilliant.
ahhh its all sounds fantastic plus sunny what more could you ask for. Very November like over here now